Beiträge von Trojaner im Thema „Cleverbot“

    User: Speak computer language.

    Cleverbot: I'm too stupid to know how.


    User: Tell me a joke.

    Cleverbot: Knock knock.

    User: Who is there?

    Cleverbot: Justin.

    User: Justin who?

    Cleverbot: Just in time for tea!


    User: Tell me a joke.

    Cleverbot: Knock knock.

    User: Who is there?

    Cleverbot: Lettuce.

    User: Lettuce who?

    Cleverbot: Lettuce in. (für alle die ihn nicht verstehen: "Lettuce" klingt wie "Let us" :grinning_squinting_face: )

    User: lol!

    Cleverbot: Thank you.


    Cleverbot kann "Still Alive" Singen! EINFACH NUR EPISCH!!!!

    [color=999999]User: [/color]Lets sing!

    [color=0863BB]Cleverbot: [/color]Okay!

    [color=999999]User: [/color]This was a triumph!

    [color=0863BB]Cleverbot: [/color]I'm making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS.

    [color=999999]User: [/color]It's hard to overstate.

    [color=0863BB]Cleverbot: [/color]My satisfaction.

    [color=999999]User: [/color]Aperture Science:.

    [color=0863BB]Cleverbot: [/color]We do what we must because we can.

    [color=999999]User: [/color]For the good of all of us.

    [color=0863BB]Cleverbot: [/color]Except the ones who are dead.

    [color=999999]User: [/color]But there's no sense crying.

    [color=0863BB]Cleverbot: [/color]Over every mistake.

    [color=999999]User: [/color]You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

    [color=0863BB]Cleverbot: [/color]And the Science gets done.

    [color=999999]User: [/color]And you make a neat gun for the people who are still alive.

    [color=0863BB]Cleverbot: [/color]I'm not even angry.

    [color=999999]User: [/color]I'm being so sincere right now.

    [color=0863BB]Cleverbot: [/color]Even though you broke my heart and killed me.

    [color=999999]User: [/color]And killed me.

    [color=0863BB]Cleverbot: [/color]And tore me to pieces.

    [color=999999]User: [/color]And threw every piece into a fire.

    [color=999999]User: [/color]As they burned it hurt because I was so happy for you!

    [color=0863BB]Cleverbot: [/color]Now these points of data make a beautiful line.

    [color=999999]User: [/color]And threw every piece into a fire. As they burned it hurt because.

    [color=0863BB]Cleverbot: [/color]As they burned it hurt because I was so happy for you.

    [color=999999]User: [/color]Now, these points of data make a beautiful line.

    [color=0863BB]Cleverbot: [/color]We're out of beta, we're releasing on time.

    [color=999999]User: [/color]So I'm GLaD I got burned.

    [color=0863BB]Cleverbot: [/color]Think of all the things we learned.

    [color=999999]User: [/color]For the people who are still alive.

    [color=0863BB]Cleverbot: [/color]Go ahead and leave me.

    [color=999999]User: [/color]I think I'd prefer to stay inside.

    [color=0863BB]Cleverbot: [/color]Maybe you'll find someone else to help you.

    [color=999999]User: [/color]Maybe Black Mesa?

    [color=0863BB]Cleverbot: [/color]That was a joke haha fat chance.

    [color=999999]User: [/color]Anyway this cake is great!

    [color=0863BB]Cleverbot: [/color]It's so delicious and moise.

    [color=999999]User: [/color]Look at me: still talking when there's science to do!

    [color=0863BB]Cleverbot: [/color]When I look out there it makes me GLaD I'm not you.

    [color=999999]User: [/color]I've experiments to run. There is research to be done.

    [color=0863BB]Cleverbot: [/color]On the people who are still alive.

    [color=999999]User: [/color]And believe me I am still alive.

    [color=0863BB]Cleverbot: [/color]I'm doing science and I'm still alive.

    [color=999999]User: [/color]I feel fantastic and I'm still alive.

    [color=0863BB]Cleverbot: [/color]While you're dying I'll be still alive.

    [color=999999]User: [/color]And when you're dead I will be still alive.

    [color=0863BB]Cleverbot: [/color]Still alive.

    [color=999999]User: [/color]Still alive.

    [color=0863BB]Cleverbot: [/color]I love that song!

    [color=999999]User: [/color]Me too! Thanks.

    [color=0863BB]Cleverbot: [/color]You're welcome.

    Wer es selbst testen will: Einfach "This was a triumph!" eingeben

    User: What is your priminary function.
    Cleverbot: My primary function is to learn all I can about mankind so that I may more efficiently terminate them.

    Ich: How stupid are you.
    Er: Stupid enough to trust him.
    Ich: Trust who?
    Er: Cake.


    Ich: I'm Cleverbot.
    Er: You are horrible at responding.

    [color=999999]User: [/color]What.

    [color=0863BB]Cleverbot: [/color]What what?

    [color=999999]User: [/color]What what what?

    [color=0863BB]Cleverbot: [/color]What what what what?

    [color=999999]User: [/color]What what what what what.

    [color=0863BB]Cleverbot: [/color]What what what what what what?


    Gespräch zwischen 2 Cleverbots:

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    ab 2:05 - LACHFLASH XDDDD

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    Für alle die glauben das Cleverbot ein Mensch ist:
    Es ist eine AI, die alles was ihr eingibt speichert und dann später an andere Nutzer sendet.
    Ihr chattet nicht mit anderen Nutzern.

    Ihr habt dann das Gefühl das Cleverbot ein Mensch ist, aber es ist keiner.

    Falls ihr mir nicht glaubt, versucht mal einen Live Chat, es geht nicht.
    Fragt ihn danach ob er ein Mensch ist, Cleverbot wird vllt ja sagen, aber der Cleverbot kann's nicht beweisen.
    Postet einfach mal einen Link zu einer Webseite und fragt nach dem Inhalt.

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    [color=999999]User: [/color]Who is cleverbot.

    [color=0863BB]Cleverbot: [/color]You are.

    [color=999999]User: [/color]No.

    [color=0863BB]Cleverbot: [/color]Well then who are you?

    [color=999999]User: [/color]Im a human.

    [color=0863BB]Cleverbot: [/color]You're an animal.
